Great clip. Disturbing to the core.
For those who seem to want a back story to this... I'll make one right now: People in the USA take religion a little too seriously like mindless children who don't relize some of their childhood stories are nothing but fairy tales, as is the same for most of the Bible stories. Most people fail to realize that most of it is not history and simply recycled stories from "heathen" beliefs. Anyways, its not suprizing that you might see over-religious morons wanting to have an inflatable Jesus (since they love Jesus so much!). Just name a friend who has a mother or father who takes religion so seriously that you just want to pop them in the mouth (or tell them simple things like 2+2 does equal 4 and NOT because God said so and of course they'll deny that). Next time their mindless bable pisses you off, tell them to go have fun with their inflatable Jesus.
(Note to Mr. Happy Face: Sorry to give a story to your movie. I bet you are pissed to hear the dumb assholes say "You're going to hell for this!" or "I don't get it, Jesus isn't evil." He wasn't evil, just his followers. Anyways, great frecken flick.)